Friday, May 4, 2012

Janet's Ikea Swedish Meatball Dinner

Swedish Meatballs at Ikea. Is there anything better?

No, there is not.

Unless we're talking about homemade Ikea Meatballs you can enjoy without the prospect of loading a bunch of unassembled furniture into the trunk of your car.

And certainly if you don't live anywhere near an Ikea, well, you've got to get your meatball fix somehow. So let's begin!

First: Click HERE for a link to a recipe for the meatballs and the gravy (ohhhhh, the gravy! the glorious, glorious GRAVY!). 

Second: Make meatballs and the gravy. Don't skimp on the cream.

{Meatballs Ready for the Oven}
Instead of frying them, I bake at 400
for 20 minutes on a cookie sheet with a rack.

Third: Take it to the HNL ('hole 'nutha level) by making my favorite, non-Ikea mashed potatoes (see below). Again, don't skimp on the dairy.

Next: Make a quick salad so that you feel slightly less shame about the other items on the plate. Add a plop of Lingonberry Jelly (or, if you're like me and you don't have any: Red Currant Jelly from the local grocery store. No one will know the difference).

Finally: Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. (Wear stretchy pants!)

Impossibly Good!

Janet's Ridiculous Mashed Potatoes
{serves 6}

2 lbs potatoes
3/4 tsp salt (1/2 tsp goes in the boiling water; 1/4 tsp is for the potatoes)
3 Tbsp butter, softened
sour cream
cream cheese
1 cup (or less) milk, warmed

1. Peel and cut potatoes into 2" chunks; place in large sauce pan. Cover with cold water and 1/2 tsp salt. Bring to boil and cook over med heat until potatoes are tender (15-20 min).

2. Drain potatoes and return to pan over low heat. Mash potatoes into pan and blend in butter. Add sour cream and cream cheese when no one is looking. Keep adding until you start to feel shame. Then add a little more (aka, add to taste). Stir in warm milk, stopping when potatoes are a consistency you enjoy.

3. Season potatoes with 1/4 tsp salt (or to taste) and freshly ground pepper. Serve right away (and then save the leftovers for breakfast when the kids aren't around).

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