Thursday, April 5, 2012

Swing and a Miss: Breakfast for Dinner


Lots of work. Big mess.

Didn't love the dinner.

I haven't gotten the verdict from the other Better Halves, but as the cook-of-the-day, I have to say: I'm disappointed.

I usually love breakfast for dinner. I made French toast and fruit salad last month, and it was dang tasty. Thinking I would re-visit the breakfast theme again once this month,  I decided to go with something a bit more "protein-ish." (Last month's French toast, while yummy, had everyone on a big-time sugar rush at 7:00 PM on a school night. Not really an ideal situation...)

Soooo, inspired by a cooking show that I will not name because I'm kind of irritated at how the recipe turned out (it rhymes with Schmioneer Schwoman), I decided to make Breakfast Burritos and Sausage Pancakes on Sticks. Yeah...It was one of those good-in-theory ideas, but not so much in practice.

First: I should have considered the reality of making and assembling enough individual burritos for the 18 people (kids included) in our co-op.

Add in the fun, good times of poking skewers through and frying a whole pile of breakfast sausages coated in pancake, not really worth the hassle. (On a positive note, my kitchen smells like a food stand at a carnival...On a negative note, my kitchen kind of looks like the aftermath when the carnival leaves town...)

I will say that I finished making dinner relatively early today to accommodate kids and families with extra full schedules this afternoon/evening. So, even though it's only 4:00 as I consider the giant mess in my kitchen and whether it was worth it--it has been gratifying to hear various neighbor kids shouting to each other as they play outside: "You know what's for dinner tonight? Sausages on sticks--oh, yeah!"

That being said, I'm still not thrilled with this menu item.


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